Best FPV Freestyle Dives ?
Next to FPV Drone Racing there is Quad Freestyle, and one of the major elements of Freestyle is the dive.
The time span to pull your drone up before it crashes into the ground can be drilled down to such small window that… I mean…
What the pilots here are doing is really unbelievable. Here’s my Top 3:
Top 3 FPV Freestyle Dives
Mr. Steele – The Clean Dive
Nice and clean dive from Mr. Steele at an office building right into the darkness – you can only hope that the FPV Cam on his racing quadcopter switches fast enough 😉
Skitzo – The Tree Dive
Not a high but high skilled dive! The sheer amount of branches which are ready to crash Mr Skitzos quad is impressive. (And he’s like: “Naaaa”).
Ummagawd – The Duga Dive
Yes, the Video might be a little over-epic, but the dive from Ummagawd through the Duga Antenna in Chernobyl(!) just might be that: The most epic dive in FPS history till now.
What are your favorite dives? if you post videos in the comments, please active at the time of the dive!
PS: If you want to get into this hobby, check out the Eachine V-Tail RTF at Banggood. They have an amazing offer at the moment! (140 instead of 400 bucks! But only 100+ left – Mai 2017)
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